screen shot of the tetris terminal application

- Tetris Terminal App -

A Tetris clone written in Ruby in 2 weeks. It uses the Curses gem and a custom square font in the terminal to display and scale the game board.

screen shot of home page of old portfolio

- Old Portfolio -

My first portfolio website. Written in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Made as the eighth project for Harvard's online CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science course.

Check it out here

- Filter -

Created for CS50's Problem Set 4.

Built in C, an image is taken and each pixel is iterated through and modified to correspond with the appropriate effect the desired filter (black and white, mirror, blur, or edge detection) should display.

- Dots -

University of Queensland's CSSE1001 Assignment 3 2017.

A simple tile matching puzzle game built in Python which includes different game modes and special tiles that cause effects when activated.

- Flossily -

Flossily is an embroidery floss organisation website written in Python with Flask, Javascript, HTML, and CSS. Utilising an SQL database.

The website is a current work in progress, being made as the last project before the completion of CS50.